YITH WooCommerce Surveys

YITH Surveys is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that lets you create and manage custom surveys on the Checkout page.

What is YITH WooCommerce Surveys?

YITH Surveys is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that lets you create and manage custom surveys on the Checkout page. With YITH WooCommerce Surveys, you can create a survey on the 'Checkout' page. Furthermore through statistics gathered from these small questionnaires your input will be valuable in helping make future decisions for both yourself and your company!

Benefits of using YITH WooCommerce Surveys:

  • Collect valuable data through questionnaires
  • Manage multiple customer surveys on the checkout page in WooCommerce
  • Manage the status of surveys created
  • Manage multiple questionnaires for specific customers

Features & Functionality

  • Create unlimited surveys: Create as many surveys as you want and let your users answer them without any limits!
  • Include a mandatory survey: You can force your users to perform surveys, this option will allow you to do just that.
  • Create the survey on any page: You can set up the survey to appear on any of your pages, and even if users go back and forward through it.
  • Export Data: Export collected data from any created survey into Excel or CSV format for further use
  • Hide the surveys: You can hide the surveys For those customers who have already answered.
  • WPML compatibility: This plugin is fully compatible with WPML, the most popular WordPress multilingual plugin.




Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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