YITH Multi-Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

YITH Multi-Currency Switcher is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that lets you manage different currencies and their respective exchange rates.

What is YITH Multi-Currency Switcher for WooCommerce?

YITH Multi-Currency Switcher is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that lets you manage different currencies and their respective exchange rates. With the "Multi-currency" feature, your store can sell products in different currencies without managing more than one currency list. This way it will be easier to follow the rules of each market easily, as all prices will be automatically updated according to established exchange rates. Moreover, you will be able to handle orders from customers who place their orders on a page with a different currency from your website's base currency.

Benefits of using YITH Multi-Currency Switcher:

  • Ability to change the currency in which you'll be selling your products;
  • Automatically update prices according to the user's selected currency and the current exchange rate;
  • Accept orders in different currencies and the website's base currency;
  • Show a currency switcher everywhere on your site
  • Hide specific payment methods to users who are paying in a specific currency

Features & Functionality

  • Add an unlimited number of currencies: You can add as many different currencies as you'd like, via the plugin's settings page, to be used by your store.
  • Set the exchange rate manually or use the API: The plugin can automatically update your price using the current exchange rate according to the currency API selected by the customer, or you can manually set it if needed.
  • Update exchange rates: Set a custom time interval to automatically update the exchange rates.
  • Allow clients to select their currency: The customer can choose which currency they will be paying in.
  • Geolocate local currency: The plugin's multi-currency feature enables your website to display prices and the currency switcher in multiple currencies based on their location automatically.
  • Loco Translate: The multi-currency feature can be easily integrated with Loco Translate to localize the content of your store in all different currencies.




Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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