Restrict Content Pro is the ultimate membership plugin for your blog, website or online store. It allows you to restrict access to any part of your site.
Restrict Content Pro is a membership plugin that can be used to restrict access to any part or all of your WordPress site. It's a membership solution for membership sites, online shops, protected blogs and forums.
Restrict Content Pro WordPress Plugin gives you total control over who sees the content in your membership site. You can manage membership levels from a simple drop-down list with built-in tools to help you create membership pages simply. You also have complete control over access levels - choose between public viewing, membership only, password protected and more! You can even prevent search engines from indexing your membership content so no one else finds it without permission. With Restrict Content Pro WordPress Plugin you're free to customize what does and doesn't show up on your membership pages.
Restrict Content Pro WordPress Plugin doesn't stop at membership content, you can also prevent access to your entire site in a membership area! This is useful when you don't want visitors from the general public to see any part of your membership content. Restrict Content Pro is perfect for membership sites, but it's also great for protecting blog posts or anything else on your website with restricted access.
Restrict Content Pro is used by:
This Plugin has more than 10,000+ active installations.
This plugin was Originally developed by Pippin Williamson in 2010 which is now acquired and maintained by iThemes.
Ultimate - $749 one-time payment
Professional - $249 first year
Plus - $149 first year
Personal - $99 first year
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Amruta Khandare
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