We’re thrilled to bring to you a new series on our blog – Featured Users.
It’s going to put the spotlight on selected users of Plugmatter Optin Feature Box Plugin, and how they’re using our plugins for their blogging needs. We want give a shout-out to our users, to express our joy at their choosing to use our products.
In this first installment, we’ve chosen six users that are currently using our Optin Feature Box plugin to build their list.
Let’s learn a bit about them, what they have to say about Feature box, and how they’ve customized their feature boxes to their requirements.
Website: http://www.notthatlondon.com
Feature Box Template: Gradient
Notthatlondon is a publishing house with two popular books namely – After Helen, the winner of the Lit Idol competition at the London International Book Fair, UK, and another called Missing steps. The blog covers news and happenings about Paul, his published books, and updates on his third novel.
Paul Cavana
Paul Cavanagh is a Canadian novelist and storyteller who rose to stardom with his debut novel, After Helen. He’s been compared to Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Tyler for his ability to be funny and moving, while exploring the paradoxes of modern family relationships in his books.
Optin Feature Box Design
The template used is the Gradient template, and the feature box is placed in the Free Extras section. It acts as an invitation for visitors to sign up for exclusive news and sneak-peaks of his latest book(s). He writes that his readers can take part in the creative process of publishing the book. This makes his readers feel involved, which can build trust and attract subscribers to his list..
Website: http://freelanceflyer.com
Feature Box Template: eCover
Freelanceflyer is an in-depth resource for beginner-level content writing freelancers. Starting from how to begin as a freelance writer, this blog has an extensive list of to-dos, action plans and all the necessary tips to be a superlative writer.
Freelanceflyer isn’t just about freelancing, but also about growing your business as a freelancer.
Samar Owais
Samar Owais is a Dubai-based blogger and freelancer, who started her work in 2008. With her own experiences and strategies that helped her make a business out of freelancing, she launched Freelanceflyer to guide and teach beginner level freelancers.
Optin Feature Box Design
The template she uses is eCover on the homepage, in the colors of her brand. Her feature box has a simple design – almost entirely orange – against the pale background of the homepage. It tell visitors of her newsletter, which features 10 unexpected places to find freelance writing clients.
Offering up such desirable information can prove to be an effective strategy for you too, in making users sign up to your list.
Website: http://enstinemuki.com/
Feature Box Template: Portrait
Enstine Muki blog is about what you aspire for, as a blogger. Starting with best strategies to make money off of your blog, SEO tips, how to increase website traffic, how to achieve rapid growth – it’s the entire package for bloggers.
Enstine Muki
Enstine is a blogger from Cameroon. He started blogging in 2012, on EmFastIncome.com. During this period, he learned a lot about blogging, and improved his writing and blogging skills. His work includes Easyretweet (now sold), BroadedNet, and also a couple of applications in the money transfers, and social media fields.
Optin Feature Box Design
The template used is HDi_Potrait, on the homepage. Its significantly larger size, and the grey background that contrasts well with the pale background of his website – make the feature box stand out to visitors. The copy lists three main traffic elements that advertisers would want, to attract subscribers.
Here’s what Enstine has to say about Feature Box
Website: http://splashenglish.com
Feature Box Template: Portrait
SplashEnglish is a place to learn the English language, targeted at Korean students and business folk who’re having a hard time speaking fluent English.
From common mistakes to extensive vocabulary-building, SplashEnglish has covered almost every important element necessary, to make learning English thorough but easy for his Korean audience.
Josh Tanaka
The website is run by Josh Tanaka, New York based English teacher living in Korea. He’s fluent in Japanese and Korean, and is TESOL Certified.
He launched SplashEnglish in 2012 with a motive to bridge the language gap between non-native and native English speakers.
Optin Feature Box Design
The Optin Feature box (Template: Portrait) on the homepage is well-highlighted, and grabbing user attention with an image of himself. The template he’s used and customized is the Portrait template. The checklist in his copy, lists the most important features of the learning course, helping users know what’s in the package, and what it’s benefits are.
Here’s what Josh has to say about the Feature Box
Website: http://www.workyouenjoy.com
Template: Portrait
Workyoujoy is about discovering your passion and working for it. The blog’s aim is to help you find and do what you love. Also, it covers important issues around professional life – like personality development, career success, personality strengths and other career-related issues.
Adam Rico
Adam Rico, was initially a counsellor to students and families – a position he presumed he’d hold for long. However, he switched jobs to find something he actually wanted to do – Workyoujoy to help people find out their own passion, and grow rapidly.
Optin Feature Box Design
The template used is HDi_Portrait, on the homepage. It welcomes his visitors with Rico’s pleasant smile, followed by a description on the right about what he does, and how can he help you. He’s straight-forward and earnest, which makes for considerable appeal, which’ll get him subscribers.
Website: http://www.theleadershipcrucible.com
Template: Sleek
The Leadership Crucible is all about how to increase the return on your leadership efforts. The Leadership Crucible offers professional coaching, aimed at working with up-and-coming, as well as senior leaders who are looking to grow their organizations. Their leadership skills are honed through coaching, courses, seminars and workshops on leadership and speaking.
Joe Scherrer
Joe Scherrer, author of The Leader Forge, and with an Air Force background, has deployed several overseas operations which has helped him shape his personality. These experiences made him come up with the idea for the Leadership Crucible.
Optin Feature Box Design
The template used is called Sleek, and the feature box is placed on the homepage. It showcases his book ‘Leadership Forge’ for free download and goes on to explain why it should be downloaded, saying it includes hundreds of stories, tips, and leadership insights.
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