Yoast News SEO

Yoast News SEO is a WordPress plugin, designed to help you do all the things that allow for optimal site optimization on Google News.

What is Yoast News SEO?

What is Yoast SEO?

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps you optimize your content for search engines and makes it easy to provide metadata (like keywords and descriptions) for your website, making it easier for search engines to find, index, and show your content.

Yoast News SEO

Yoast News SEO is a WordPress plugin, designed to help you do all the things that allow for optimal site optimization on Google News. It creates XML Sitemaps so new articles can be picked up as soon and easily, while also providing some advanced options such as stock tickers in your sitemap which are not enabled by default within Yoast's plugin.

Benefits of using Yoast News SEO:

  • Help search engines discover and understand your news articles
  • Immediately ping Google on the publication of a new post
  • Create XML News Sitemaps

Features & Functionality

  • XML News Sitemap: NewsSEO creates a valid XML sitemap, which satisfies Google News and helps boost your organic traffic. This plugin instantly pings Google on the publication of a new post and because it uses WordPress SEO plugins sitemap API, there are no waiting times or long generation issues.
  • All the relevant schema.org markup: This NewsSEO plugin automatically adds the most relevant Schema markups so that Google can crawl all information easily, without having any problems or issues!
  • Advanced News SEO: The plugin allows you to do a bit more advanced News SEO by allowing you to define the types of articles that should be included in the Google News XML sitemap, set genre for indexed pages, and decide whether stock tickers are displayed.
  • Exclude categories: The News SEO plugin helps you to easily disable specific categories that shouldn't be included in the Google News XML sitemap. You can select them after they are enabled for certain post types, which means this will not affect any of your posts or pages!




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