YITH WooCommerce Sms Notifications

YITH Sms Notifications is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows sending SMS to your customers every time an order status changes.

What is YITH WooCommerce Sms Notifications?

YITH Sms Notifications is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows sending SMS to your customers every time an order status changes. With YITH Sms Notification, Send custom text messages to your customers right away without having them contact you. YITH WooCommerce SMS Notification will let you know when their order has been shipped, lost by accident in the mail or if they need some help finding it! The different gateways used for messaging include Twilio and Clockworks so that both customer service representatives, as well as buyers, can receive notifications on what's going on with any given transaction.

Benefits of using YITH Sms Notifications:

  • Monitor your orders in real-time, even when away from your PC
  • Improve the customer service by offering to users who purchase on your e-commerce the possibility to be notified about their order status via SMS.

Features & Functionality

  • Send SMS notifications: The plugin lets you easily send notifications to customers the moment you have new orders when they are shipped and more.
  • Change senders configuration: Customers have the option to change the sender's phone number from their account section.
  • Notify the order status: With this plugin, you can send SMS notifications to your customers to notify them about their order status.
  • Send admin notifications to other people: Admin can send SMS notifications to other accounts by specifying them in the notification.
  • Customize text: The plugin allows you to customize your SMS text by changing the name of your store, what notifications are sent out, and more.
  • WPML compatibility: YITH Deals for WooCommerce is fully compatible with WPML, the most popular WordPress multilingual plugin.




Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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