YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes

YITH Barcodes and QR Codes is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows you to easily and efficiently add barcodes and QR Codes on all kinds of products.

What is YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes?

YITH Barcodes and QR Codes is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows you to easily and efficiently add barcodes and QR Codes on all kinds of products, not only digital goods or services but also physical items. With YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes, you can generate barcodes to automatically update your products with new stock levels or send orders straight away. No more manual input!

Benefits of your using YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes:

  • You can use these barcodes to create stickers for your physical products.
  • You can now get a printable list of all barcodes to create stickers for your physical products!
  • You can let your users search by barcode to easily find what they are looking for.

Features & Functionality

  • Manage order status: With this plugin, you can search orders by barcode and update their status with one click.
  • Get a printable list of barcodes: You can get a printable list of all barcodes in a PDF file.
  • Increase or decrease stock count: You can easily change your inventory by barcode , so you always have an up-to-date list of stock.
  • Search a product: You can search a product by its barcode.
  • Show barcodes in order emails: You can choose whether or not you want your barcode displayed in the order emails that are sent out.
  • WPML compatibility: This plugin is fully compatible with WPML, the most popular WordPress multilingual plugin.




Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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