YITH Deals for WooCommerce

YITH Deals is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows your customers to benefit from great deals.

What is YITH Deals for WooCommerce?

YITH Deals is an extension plugin for WooCommerce that allows your customers to benefit from great deals. It can be used to display popup offers before the checkout page. The plugin has been designed in such a way it will work with products your customers are about the purchase, meaning you don't need any extra programming knowledge or skills!

The benefits of this plugin are endless. You can set an offer to promote a single product, schedule the time period for maximum effect on your end customers and even let them know how much it costs per unit so they have more information before making their purchase decision!

Features & Functionality

  • Create rules to show offers on the checkout page: set the type of product that should be discounted, set the maximum discount allowed to be reached, create custom offers for each product.
  • Customize the content of your offer: Create a conditions-based offer on specific product categories, use custom HTML markup to style the content of your offers, insert images and URLs.
  • WPML compatibility: YITH Deals for WooCommerce is fully compatible with WPML, the most popular WordPress multilingual plugin.
  • Show the offer for a limited period of time: et the duration of your offer, select when to start displaying it in relation to the time of product purchase.
  • Display popup offers for specific products: create conditions based on a specific product category and show an offer only for this selected group.
  • Set restriction rules: This plugin allows you to set restrictions for each offer you create, such as Category, Geolocalization, Price, Product, Product variations, User role, Tag, User ID, and many more.




Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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