WP Page Builder is a completely customizable drag and drops WordPress page builder plugin with content elements ready to be positioned on your pages.
WP Page Builder is a completely customizable drag and drops WordPress page builder plugin with content elements ready to be positioned on your pages.
It is built for professional designers, developers, bloggers, and anyone else building websites on the WordPress platform. With this tool, you can create beautiful page layouts within minutes. If you want to build awesome landing pages or if you simply want a better way of managing your posts look no further than WP Page Builder.
This plugin lets you build your WordPress site visually and directly on the front-end. With WP Page Builder there is no more hassle with customizing Theme or Child Theme templates for a content editor to use.
WP Page Builder comes with 60 different block Heading, Text, Image, Icon List, Columns (2 and 3), Tabs, Accordion, Testimonial, Login/Register, Social Share/follow & Pricing Table. Each of these elements has a visual interface to customize the module title and that is it!
Individuals - $39/Year
Freelancers - $59/Year
Agencies - $99/Year
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