Site Search 360 WordPress Plugin helps users find exactly what they're looking for when visiting your website making it an ideal plugin for both bloggers and business owners who want more online presence.
Site Search 360 is a comprehensive replacement for WordPress's default search engine. It provides on-site searching of all posts and pages, giving you detailed insights into how your users are using it to find what they're looking for in their busy lives. With Site Search 360 being responsive so that no matter which screens someone happens upon while visiting your site; whether mobile or desktop -you'll be able to provide quick responses with precision when needed most.
Site Search 360 WordPress Plugin is for anyone who wants to improve on-site search on their WordPress site. Whether you're a blogger, author, or business owner, Site Search 360 can provide more precise ways of finding information on your website.
Batman - $99 /month
Holmes - $39 /month
Columbo - $9 /month
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WOOF is a product search plugin for WooCommerce that allows your site's customers to filter products by categories, attributes, tags, and taxonomies.
FiboSearch Ajax Search for WooCommerce is the search plugin that will help you to create an advanced search form on your website.
Search and Filter Pro plugin lets you customize the search function on your site or blog by adding elements like category filters, post/page filters, etc., along with the default search functionality.
Irshad Quraishi
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