SendPress Pro

Create, manage and send newsletters on your WordPress site with the SendPress Newsletters WordPress Plugin.

What is SendPress Pro?

SendPress is a newsletter plugin that allows you to create personalized email newsletters from your WordPress website.

With this plugin, you can easily design your own templates with all the features needed such as an easy-to-use interface that will take care of everything including importing content from posts or pages into each newsletter so they are always up-dateable. Choose from pre-designed templates or create your own. Add background images to newsletters. Manage subscribers in a list for each newsletter series you send out. Share links with content on social networks.

Know more about your customers with detailed reports on recipients, opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.

The newsletter plugin is suitable for bloggers, publishers, and professionals, Organizations, companies, small business owners who want to send email newsletters to their customers.

SendPress Newsletters WordPress Plugin was developed by Josh Lyford, Jared Harbour.

Features & Functionality

  • Email Tracking: You can track individual email open rates and link clicks. This helps you find out which links were the most popular for each newsletter you publish.
  • Unlimited Subscribers: There is no limit to the number of people you can add to your mailing list.
  • Security Audited: SendPress has been security audited so you can be sure that your newsletters are being sent securely.
  • WordPress Role Sync:: You can sync WordPress roles to subscriber lists with just one click.
  • HTML Templates: You can use your own HTML to create a newsletter template and edit email content exactly the same way as always.
  • Advanced Reports: SendPress reports give you detailed information about your newsletters. You can get all the relevant statistics for your email campaigns, including which actions subscribers took and how many people opened each message.
  • 3rd Party Sending: You can use any 3rd party service that you prefer to send newsletters via email.
  • Custom Fields: Collect more information from your subscribers to help better serve them. Add any field you want on a form.
  • Bounce Handling: This plugin will automatically catch and clean up bouncebacks to prevent sending bad emails.
  • Post Notifications: send notifications to subscribers for any new posts on your blog.


Personal - $39 /Yr

Standard - $99 /Yr

Business - $199 /Yr

Developer - $399 /Yr


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