Scrybs is a multilingual plugin for WordPress that makes it possible to translate the content of your website into multiple languages. By using this plugin you can set up and manage different versions of your pages, posts, products etc. in any language available on Wordpress.
Scrybs is a powerful yet extremely easy to use tool for creating multilingual websites with WordPress! The Scrybs Multilingual Plugin will allow you to create language independent pages and posts. This means that visitors can browse your website using their preferred language, without having to click on any menu items or links, Categories, Tags etc. are all viewed in the visitor's native language too (e.g.: French words for a French visitor).
Scrybs is easily translatable into any other language by the user, this makes it ideal for anybody who does not have knowledge of programming languages but would like to be able to create multilingual content anyway. Once set-up, Scrybs works automatically in the background.
It was founded by Pascal Evertz.
Standard - $0.06/word
Business - $0.12/word
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Loco Translate is an easy to use multilingual plugin for WordPress. It enables you to easily translate pages, posts, custom post types, comments or widgets into different languages without the need of using any complicated tools.
ConveyThis is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to translate any of your content into a different language. It uses the neural machine translation service, which translates content much faster than regular online translation services can.
Translate WordPress with GTranslate is a plugin that can help you translate your WordPress site into different languages. This plugin is a useful one for you if your website's content needs to be translated into another language.
Mohammed Imtiyaz
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