Revive Old Posts

The Revive Old Posts WordPress Plugin lets you revive your old blog posts by auto-posting them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

What is Revive Old Posts?

The Revive Old Posts WordPress Plugin lets you revive your old blog posts by auto-posting them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It also supports RSS feeds for sharing posts and it comes with 1 year of support and an updated warranty.

Automatically schedule tweets for all your old blog posts with different intervals between each tweet. Schedule multiple tweets for the same blog post so they don't look like spam. Specify dates when you do not want to auto-tweet anymore. Automatically Facebook updates for all your old blog posts with different intervals between each post. Option to add custom message or image before sharing a new post on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter Supports RSS feeds for sharing posts Option to add custom message or image before sharing a new post on social media sites

If you are a social media marketer who has a blog and wants to stay active on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn without having to manually share each post. This plugin saves time so you can focus on other activities. It makes blogging more effective by keeping your old posts alive and keeps you active on social media sites.

Features & Functionality

  • Social Shares: Share to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Automatically share your old blog posts to all supported social media sites with different intervals between each post so they don't look spammy.
  • Share Posts, Pages, Media & Custom Post Types: You can also share custom post types, pages, and media files generated by shortcodes.
  • Hashtags From Tags or Categories: You can specify hashtags for shared posts manually or use the hashtag from the tags or categories.
  • Track Your Clicks: Revive Old Posts works with the most popular URL shortening services and integrates with Google Analytics Campaign Tracking. This allows you to see how popular your posts are and monitor the traffic coming to your site from Social Media.
  • Share on up to 50 accounts: You can choose to share your posts on up to 50 social media accounts.


PERSONAL - $88.5

BUSINESS - $175.82

MARKETER - $352.82


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