Password Protected Categories

Password Protected Categories is a WordPress plugin that allows your categories and taxonomies to be password protected on your website.

What is Password Protected Categories?

Password Protected Categories is a WordPress plugin that allows your categories and taxonomies to be password-protected on your website. It is very useful if you want to keep your posts for specific people. The private area of our website can only be accessed by specific users, roles, or people with the password.

With this plugin installed, all of your protected content will be blocked from being indexed by search engines. However, this can't be guaranteed that it won't happen in some cases because if there are any links or social media counts before installing the plug-in then those things still exist on Google's servers as well!

Password Protected Categories can be used by:

  • Anyone who wants to password-protect their WordPress categories or taxonomies.
  • People who need a specific post on their website to be accessed by some groups only and not everyone.
  • Businesses that sell products at a different price to customers can use Password Protected Categories because it allows them to make a section to display the sales prices instead of the normal ones. This will block this section from being indexed by search engines but still be visible for logged-in users with the right password.
  • Business owners that wish to sell links on their site that are inaccessible without having a login screen will find Password Protected Categories useful as well to put those links in a hidden

Features & Functionality

  • Build A Private Blog: Create an area on your website where you can protect specific categories. Add passwords for each of these hidden spots, or unlock them automatically so that only those with access need a key to enter it!
  • Private Portfolio Or Galleries: Add passwords to your photos or galleries that are accessible only by those who have the password.
  • Protect Products Or Events: Create a more personal experience for your customers by creating invite-only events and exclusive products. Works with any eCommerce or events calendar plugin that uses custom post types, Supports Easy Digital Downloads, The Events Calendar (by Modern Tribe), and more.
  • Central Login Page: Visitors can log in from a single page or sidebar. The Password Protected Categories plugin will direct them to the correct category, based on their login credentials!


Agency - $149 Up to 20 sites

Business - $99 Up to 5 sites

Starter - $49 for 1 site


Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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