
GamiPress is the WordPress plugin that allows you to digitally reward your users by interacting with your website.

What is GamiPress?

GamiPress is the WordPress plugin that allows you to digitally reward your users by interacting with your website. Easily define outcomes, organize requirements, and choose from a variety of assessment options to determine if each task or requirement is completed successfully. It is a combination of the three most powerful labeling systems you can add to your site. With points, the user who operates the site is automatically rewarded. Achievements are awarded to users if all requirements are met one by one or otherwise. A rank that allows users to increase their rank by meeting all rank requirements.

Features & Functionality

  • Points Types: Make up the required number of types of points (credits, gems, coins, etc.).
  • Achievement type: You can set any number of achievement types (quests, badges, etc.).
  • Rank Type: Configure any number of rank types (level, degree, etc.).
  • Automatic Scoring and Subtraction: Easily configure automatic methods for assigning and subtracting points to users.
  • User-Defined Requirements: Defines the conditional requirements that a user must meet in order to unlock an achievement or rank.
  • Time limit requirement: A time limit depending on how long a user can meet a particular requirement (minutes, hours, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly).
  • Drag and Drop Controls: Powerful controls to set up your gamification environment in minutes.
  • Social Sharing: Users can share their achievements and ranks on any social network of their choice. Use
  • points to unlock achievements and ranks: Allows users to unlock achievements or ranks by spending more points without meeting the requirements.
  • Email: Users are automatically notified of new prizes.
  • Protocol: A flexible protocol system that supports public and private protocols.
  • Compatible Open Badges: Associate your site achievements with Badge or Credly to issue open badges that officially recognize your skills.
  • Blocks, Shortcodes, Widgets: WordPress-friendly blocks, shortcodes, widgets that show your wallet of user points, achievements earned, latest logs, and more.
  • Live Shortcode Editor: Missing shortcode parameters? Just press the "GamiPress Shortcode" button and you can set any shortcode without worrying about it.


Personal Pass - $199

Professional Pass - $399

All-Access Pass - $699


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