
ForumWP is a WordPress plugin for forums that allows registered users to create topics, write replies, subscribe to topics, and much more.

What is ForumWP?

ForumWP is a WordPress plugin that turns your WordPress site into a fully functional forum. With this plugin, you can allow registered users to create topics, write replies, subscribe to topics, and much more. It also provides users with an interface to edit permissions for other users, set global user groups, write blogs within the context of forums, moderate posts, etc. It also includes anti-spam features like IP-based bans, captcha images, and more. And you can use shortcodes for forum-specific information/layout as well!

Benefits of ForumWP:

  • Fast and easy to use
  • Private messages between users
  • Customizable email notifications
  • Ability to moderate forum activity using moderators
  • Topic watch feature so you can track replies
  • Easy to install and use
  • Unlimited forums

Features & Functionality

  • Mobile responsive: ForumWP has a mobile responsive design so it can be used on mobile devices such as tablets and phones.
  • Topics: You can create as many forums or topics as your site needs. You can set permissions for each topic, allowing certain users to post new topics, write replies, etc.
  • Private Messages: ForumWP allows visitors to send private messages directly to other users of the site. Administrators are excluded from this feature. These work great for communicating with specific members of your website without spamming your entire message board.
  • Moderation Tools: Administrators have access to moderation tools that allow them to edit forum permissions for individual users, ban IP addresses from posting/replying, report posts/users, and moderate forum activity in general. There are even IP-based bans that will block certain IP ranges from accessing the forum at all.
  • Votes: You can allow registered site visitors to vote on posts. This is great for creating polls with results displayed in your forum topics!


1 Site - $120.00

3 Sites - $180.00

10 Sites - $300.00

Unlimited - $400.00


Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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