EmbedAlbum PRO

EmbedAlbum PRO is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to embed your Facebook feed into your blog or website. It also includes galleries for Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

What is EmbedAlbum PRO?

EmbedSocial is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to include social media feeds, post reviews, and galleries in your posts or pages.


  • EmbedAlbum allows adding Facebook & Instagram Shop to the website. With just a few clicks, you can add call-to-action buttons and create an entire shop on your site with photos from your social media accounts.
  • No branding! Change the appearance of your social media albums to fit your preference.
  • If you enable the moderation setting that will only display Instagram photos from your feed, then you have full control over what posts are displayed.
  • Create your Facebook and Instagram photos into a slideshow.
  • In just a few clicks, you can create an entire gallery of your Facebook albums.
  • With a single click, import all Facebook albums.
  • Albums can be created using the API by advanced developers.

This plugin is for bloggers and site owners who want to feature their social media feed (such as Twitter, Facebook feeds), garner reviews from others, or present a gallery of photos.

This plugin was developed by embedSocial.

Features & Functionality

  • Auto Sync: EmbedAlbum PRO automatically syncs when a new photo is uploaded to your social media accounts.

  • Unlimited websites and domains: EmbedAlbum can be used for multiple websites and domains.

  • Slider Layouts: Use a slider or carousel to display your social media photos.

  • Masonry Layouts: EmbedAlbum will help you create beautiful albums with a masonry layout.

  • Three-column layout: With the EmbedAlbum layout, you can display your photos in three columns. This is similar to Instagram's website and mobile layouts!

  • Twitter albums: Display Twitter albums from a specific hashtag on your website.

  • Pagination: From the album view, you can choose whether to display "load more" or a number for pagination.

  • Lightbox mode: When viewing the photos, you can choose to view them in a lightbox mode which will allow users to slide through each photo.

  • Thumbnail width: The album's thumbnails are either sized dynamically or fixed at a certain width.

  • Enable Caption: By enabling the caption setting, your Instagram photos will display in a feed layout.

  • Hashtag Feeds: The Instagram and Twitter hashtags are also accessible through EmbedAlbum.


PRO - $19

PRO Plus - $49

Premium - $99


Pros & Cons

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Feature Requests

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