Appointments Booking

Set up a smooth and easy booking process on your website with the WordPress Booking Calendar plugin. This flexible plugin can handle multiple calendars, customized booking forms, event booking, group booking, calendar sync, payment options, booking approval, timezone support, and more.

What is Appointments Booking?

This powerful WordPress plugin for event booking calendar allows you to provide a self-service option for your customers to schedule appointments for individual or group sessions. With the WordPress Booking Calendar plugin, you can enable a smooth and easy booking process on your website. This flexible plugin for appointment booking calendar can handle multiple calendars, customized booking forms, event booking, group booking, calendar sync, payment options, booking approval, timezone support, and more.

It also offers a unique and user-friendly online booking experience for your customers. Whether you are a medical practitioner, a wellness center, or a consultant, you can create multiple calendars on your website, each with its own booking form, calendar owner, and moderation settings.

Features & Functionality

  • Easy Booking Calendar - Add calendars to any part of your site, enabling users to book appointments conveniently.
  • Booking Form - Each calendar has a distinct booking form that contains all the essential information to make bookings. The form can have any number of fields and can be modified as required. Also, this booking form has reCaptcha support.
  • Multiple Calendars - Supports multiple calendars simultaneously with individual scheduling options. Each calendar can have its own booking form, event duration times, moderator, session length, availability period etc.
  • Multiple Spots - Calendars can have multiple spots for each time slot. The Front-End view will show how many spots are left, if any. If the booking is full, it will be marked as blocked.
  • Min/Max hours ahead for booking - For each calendar, you can set the range of hour before the booking that the user can book.
  • Availability - Bookings include an advanced calendar feature set where you specify the exact availability of calendar dates and times that customers can book. You can also set days off when booking is not allowed within the calendar (for example, weekends).
  • Zoom Integration - Make a Zoom meeting for every booking and send the details to the user. Requires a free Zoom account.
  • Moderation - Bookings can be approved automatically or can be moderated before approval. This setting is available for each calendar.
  • Individual Moderator - Each calendar has a moderator who gets new booking notifications and can talk to the customer about booking requests.
  • Multiple Views - Supports Day, Week and Month view on the meeting scheduler.
  • Ready to Translate - All plugins labels and messages are editable and can be changed to any language and terminology in the label settings.
  • Shortcode - The calendar can be added to any page or post using a simple shortcode.
  • Calendar Email Reminders - Send automatic reminders to the admin and customer before booking events start. Customize how many hours in advance notification emails will be sent.
  • Calendar SMS Reminders - Send automatic SMS reminders to your clients X hours before the appointment. The plugin uses the reliable Amazon SMS service (AWS SNS).
  • Email Notifications - Each booking creates notifications for both the moderator and the customer who has made the booking.


  • Essential - $39 for 1 website
  • Advanced with Payments support - $69 for 3 websites
  • Ultimate with 5 Add-ons - $119 for 10 websites


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