The fundamental reason an article is clicked on is for its informative content.
That matter is settled.
But how can everyone else get to know it is informative? How do you put yourself out there, and have your words be read bold and clear?
If only it was as easy as grabbing an audience.
Read on to find out some methods that make it almost as easy as a grab.
What better way to promote your post than to make an ad for it?
Only, your ad would be made by a graphic designer. It’ll appeal to an extended, but much related audience.
After writing your particularly well-written post, hire a designer to make a video based on it. A short, animated, educational video. You’ll create two pieces of content – which already increases the chances of reaching out to more people. The clip is dedicated to make viewers read the article, endorsing your post twice-fold.
Mention that for more information, they can click the link in the description box to read the whole article.
Then Youtube, Vimeo, Veoh, or even Tumblr could host your upload, and have it ready to be shared.
What platform could make the process of sharing easier, and more social, than WordPress?
Flipboard. The Flipboard extension arranges your posts in a newsletter format. The social network aggregator features who shared the post, below the headline.
So if Aleyda Solis of Orianti shares your article on Flipboard, users will surely know.
After signing up on their official page, download the bookmarklet and upload your posts onto the interface.
It even allows you to tag other users, whose content you may have shared, or mentioned in your post, or even if you just want them to check out your post.
Seeing who’s shared what can play a big part in a reader’s willingness to read the article. And that’s what you can freely advertise, to get an even bigger readership.
Sure, it is a time-tested means to promote yourself.
You reach out to influential bloggers. You note your appreciation for their content. You mention your achievements, which is your content. You link them to your page. Then you request that if they think it is good, to share it to their audience.
Some crucial advice – ensure that the people you reach out to, know that you’ve reached out to them. They may have missed your email, or received it in their spam folder. On social media, let them know you’ve contacted them.
Also, in case they still haven’t replied, send a second email a short while later, to remind them.
The key, as always, is persistence.
A social locker plugin like this one provides one the best incentives for a reader to share content.
And that incentive is – to be able to read the whole article.
Your captivating headline has brought you an interested reader. He clicks on your headline. Reads your article halfway through. He judges it as worth reading, and well-written.
He is on all toes to read the rest.
He can’t. You place an ultimatum – if you’ve thought this was worth reading, share this article to read further.
And by doing so, visitors have a powerful incentive to share your content. To be fair, consider previewing at least a third, or half, of your article.
I hope these slightly uncommon, but potentially rewarding tips help endorse your content, and your name. Try one of these tips, or a combination of them. And let me know how they worked out for you.
What results did you have, using these tips? What other methods have worked to promote your blog post?
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