Hi, I am using @WP Offload Media plugin for my client site and it seems Webp images are not working. it's getting uploaded on my S3 Bucket but URLs with Webp images are not showing on the website.
here is the little info
Web Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Centos) PHP: 8.0 Centos 17 MySQL: 5.6.32 ext/mysqli: yes PHP Memory Limit: 128M WP Memory Limit: 40M Memory Usage: 2 MB Blocked External HTTP Requests: None WP Locale: en_US Organize offloads by month/year: Enabled WP_DEBUG: Yes WP_DEBUG_LOG: Yes WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: No SCRIPT_DEBUG: No WP Max Upload Size: 256 MB PHP Time Limit: 30